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May 2024 Giveaway


This month, we want to know:

Which garden plant or flower brings you the most joy when it blooms?

For a chance to win a $25 gift card, follow these simple instructions


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Scroll down & Comment on this post with your answer


Reply before Wednesday, May 29, 2024


The randomly selected winner will be announced on Thursday, May 30, 2024.

Last month, we asked you “What is something you would like to see in our store?”, and you had so many answers! Check out the comments on our previous post here.

Congratulations to the randomly selected April winner of a $25 gift card:
Jan Bantam

163 thoughts on “May 2024 Giveaway

  1. Zinnias

    1. Hydrangeas

  2. My hostas! Love to see the green leaves start popping out and then the white flowers sprout out tall.

  3. lilac Tree

  4. I have an alstroemeria plant in my garden and they are my favorite flower. It is not a perennial to this area and I really hope it surprises me and reappears. They are such a pretty delicate flower. Lily of the valley is another. My mom’s birthday was May and she also loved them. She passed away at age 43 (19777 when I was 18)

  5. Lily of the valley. Reminds me of my gram ❤️

  6. Red bud tree

  7. Canna lilies

  8. Tulips ????

  9. Tulips are my favourite

    1. The smell of lilacs as they bring me back to my childhood. We had purple and white ones in our front yard and I would bury my face in them and take in the fragrant scent.

  10. Peonies ????

  11. Hydrangeas

  12. lilly of the valley and lilacs

    1. It’s hard to pick just one, because each one brings a new colour or a beautiful fragrance, or even design , texture, but one of the first sign of spring that pops up in my gardens is hellebore (Christmas bloom), then Lily of the valley with that beautiful smell, and not to mention lilacs! Another favourite scent. Sorry, too many to mention.????????????????

  13. My hibiscus!!!

  14. Lilacs

  15. Lilies

  16. My purple phlox – beautiful spring flower!

  17. I love all spring flowering trees. Red bud trees are my favourite!

  18. The beautiful hydrangeas ❤️

  19. Hydrangeas give me joy. But my moms fav is lilac so I have both and delight to see them bloom!

  20. Lavender ❤️

  21. Shasta Daisies – so pristine with their little pop of sunshine in the middle ????

    1. Question marks ‘jumped’ in by error

  22. Hydrangeas are my favorite

  23. hydrangeas, their blooms are beautiful and then you can dry them and enjoy for months afterwards

  24. Red bud tree

  25. Iris – favourite flower and granddaughters middle name

  26. Forget-Me-Nots

  27. Lilac

  28. Daffodils are my favourite because they are first to bloom in the spring , but the hydrangeas are amazing!

  29. Hydragena

  30. Tulips…then I know spring has arrived!

  31. Tulips

  32. Lilacs, their fragrance reminds me of my mom as I always brought her a bouquet when the flowers first bloomed! I enjoyed the flowers also!

  33. Hydrangeas

  34. Lily if the valley

  35. Tulips

  36. Lily of the Valley

  37. Pansies

  38. I love hydrangeas

  39. Oh I have so many pretty hard to pick. I love spring and love to see new growth. I have a beautiful deep red peony though that I always get compliments on.

  40. I love my dwarf lilac bush it’s so beautiful in bloom ❤️

  41. Phlox

  42. Peonies

  43. Iris

  44. sunflowers 🙂

  45. Tulips

  46. Cherry blossoms

  47. Peony

  48. For my kids it’s our “Julips” (tulips) and for me it is the Peonies

  49. Pussy Willows

  50. Gerber daisy

  51. Lilac bush

  52. Hydrangea

  53. When my magnolia tree blooms❤️

  54. Lilacs!

  55. Hydrangeas

  56. Hydrangeas 🙂

  57. My Sweet Autumn Clematis

  58. Love to see the Lily of the Valley in the spring but my favorite bloom in the summer is Hibiscus- so tropical and beautiful.

  59. Hibiscus!

  60. Hibiscus!!!

  61. Daffodils

  62. Mexican sunflowers.. I start from seed. Unfortunately this year I could not find my seeds and they are not readily available to purchase

  63. Tulips

  64. My all time favorite is the Magnolia trees. They are so pretty and smell so nice.

  65. My dogwood tree

  66. Peonies

  67. Hydrangeas

  68. Roaes

    1. Roses

  69. Lilacs

  70. Lilacs

  71. Japanese maple

  72. My Strawberry Vanilla Hydrangea. They remind me of The Netherlands, where you see huge hedges made of them. ????

  73. Purple Lilacs and Lily of the Valley

  74. My favourite flowering tree is the Red Bud. I also love the lilies of the valley in the spring….their fragrance is magical!

  75. Lilacs…any colour!

  76. My lemon tree budding now outside. Oh how I love May and all the beauty it brings!

  77. Love my bleeding heart plants. I have two – one a shoot off my Dads plant and the other a gift from our daughter. They are blooming beautifully this year. Thank you

  78. I LOVE my Hydrangeas!

  79. I love my lilacs.

  80. Lilly of the valley

  81. Peonies ????

  82. Peonies ????

  83. Hydrangeas…the only flower I can grow!

  84. Hydrangeas..the only flower I can grow!

  85. My miniature Rose’s. 5 years ago, I received a red, pink and yellow miniature rose bushes from my grandson . I planted them together and they thrive all spring, summer into the fall.
    It always brings a smile because I think of how proud he is when he sees how beautiful they are. He was 5 when he gave them to me. Great blooming memory that I continue to enjoy every year ❤️

  86. Alliums
    I love their purple hue like a big wish flower. They also remind me of Jack my father in law in heaven ????

  87. Purple and yellow violets

  88. I have a beautiful red bud tree in my backyard that is a beautiful reminder of spring. I love seeing everything coming to life in the vibrant colours of spring

  89. The Eastern Redbud is so beautiful! And the Daffodils always remind me of my Mem.

  90. Lilacs

  91. Hydrangeas

    1. Love hydrangeas
      Hope I win
      Kenn Little

  92. The crocus.
    Small but resilient. A true sign of spring.

  93. My favourite changes with the seasons but at this time of year, definitely Lily of the Valley ! They remind me of my Grandma where the grew en mass in her back yard so delicate and fragrant ❤️

  94. Lily of the Valley

  95. periwinkle

  96. I love my hydrangeas.

  97. Hydrangeas

  98. Lillies

  99. Peonies

  100. Our incrediball hydrangea!!

  101. Hydrangeas and Lilacs❤

  102. I love lily’s of the valley. The soft fragrance is so fresh and clean. It always reminds me to be thankful.

  103. Any flowers with white blooms as they are magical in the evening.

  104. Peony

  105. My hydrangeas

  106. Lilacs

  107. Cherry Blossoms

  108. Cherry Blossoms

  109. Hydrangea

  110. I love to see the Tulips arrive, but also enjoy the scent of lilacs and the cheerfulness of the colourful pansies.

  111. Peonies. Just wish they lasted longer

  112. Hydrangeas!!

  113. Definitely hydrangea

  114. Love going into this store and the ladies in it ????

  115. Great store

  116. Lily of the Valley, always reminds me of all the plants that were like a white and green carpet on our farm when I was growing up.

  117. Can’t wait to enjoy my Hydrangeas all summer and fall❤️

  118. Lily of the Valley. They were my Mom’s favorite therefore they are mine as well ♥️

  119. The little Rose of Sharon tree we received from my dad.

  120. Hydrangeas

  121. Wildflowes.
    Lupine – from when I lived in Nova Scotia.
    Colourful pansies – remind me of my Grandmother.
    Daffodils – remind me of my Mother!

  122. Viburnum (for the scent)

  123. Hydrangeas

  124. My Grandma’s Lilac bush ❤️

  125. Tulips! Peonies! Red Bud! Magnolias! Cherry blossoms! Hydrangeas….love them all

  126. Lilacs

    1. Enjoying my garden with a glass of wine after my hard work is finished in the garden

  127. Rose of Sharon

  128. Rose ???? of sharon

  129. The first tulips of the year!

  130. Lilacs

  131. Peonies

  132. Lilacs because they remind me of my grandma and the farm

  133. Lily of the valley is my favourite. I always think of our grandma when I see them. ????

  134. I love the look of the irises and the smell of lily of the valley

  135. Definitely the pink peonies! Such a bright and beautiful start to the day 🙂

  136. My orange Armenian Poppies ????

  137. My orange Armenian Poppies ????

  138. Definately lilacs!

  139. Lilacs and Lily of the valley. Both are so beautifully perfumed. Followed by old style highly scented peonies. Aww

  140. All of them????????????

  141. Lilac

  142. My Magnolia… the most perfect green leaves, with the cheeriest yellow blooms!!

  143. I have a very deep blood red peony that I love.

  144. Lilacs

  145. Hydrangeas are my favourite ????

  146. I live on a farm and love my peonies

  147. Tulips

  148. Lilacs

  149. Hydrangeas

  150. Tulips in our front gardens and the lilac bush around our deck. So pretty and so fragrant.????

  151. Hydrangeas, they are so worth the wait!

  152. I love all flowers. Lilacs are my favorite

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