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Shop the Vignette

Shop the Vignette

For these sunny, summer days

Enjoying a breakfast or dinner in the outdoors ….. [write a little blurb here]

Start shopping the collection!

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Decadently Delicious Homemade

Decadently Delicious
Homemade Brownies

“I wish we were advanced enough to have a tasting button for you...

Unfortunately, we don’t, so you will have to trust our word: these are the best brownies we have ever made (and we have made a lot over the years). We are not alone in this opinion. Even our customers who bake from scratch come in for these packages with luxurious bakery quality ingredients.
These brownies are everything a brownie should be: rich with real chocolate, perfectly textured with a fudgy center and a slightly crisp top. They are decadently delicious, melting in your mouth with every bite. One taste and you will see why they are a favourite! Come try them and satisfy your crowd’s chocolate craving.

Shop Brownies and other delicacies!

Posted on 57 Comments

July 2024 Giveaway


This month, we want to know:

“What is the most memorable gift you have ever received?”

For a chance to win a $25 gift card, follow these simple instructions


You must be registered for Kind Exclusive emails (Sign up here, or learn more)


Scroll down & Comment on this post with your answer


Reply before Wednesday, July 31, 2024


The randomly selected winner will be announced on Thursday, August 1, 2024.

Last month, we asked you “What is your favourite hidden gem in Canada for a getaway?”, and you had so many answers! Check out the comments on our previous post here.

Congratulations to the randomly selected June winner of a $25 gift card:
Judy Pierce

Posted on 97 Comments

June 2024 Giveaway


This month, we want to know:

What is your favourite hidden gem in Canada for a getaway?

For a chance to win a $25 gift card, follow these simple instructions


You must be registered for Kind Exclusive emails (Sign up here, or learn more)


Scroll down & Comment on this post with your answer


Reply before Sunday, June 30th, 2024


The randomly selected winner will be announced on Thursday, July 4th, 2024.

Last month, we asked you “Which garden plant or flower brings you the most joy when it blooms?”, and you had so many answers! Check out the comments on our previous post here.

Congratulations to the randomly selected May winner of a $25 gift card:
Brenda Lee

Posted on 163 Comments

May 2024 Giveaway


This month, we want to know:

Which garden plant or flower brings you the most joy when it blooms?

For a chance to win a $25 gift card, follow these simple instructions


You must be registered for Kind Exclusive emails (Sign up here, or learn more)


Scroll down & Comment on this post with your answer


Reply before Wednesday, May 29, 2024


The randomly selected winner will be announced on Thursday, May 30, 2024.

Last month, we asked you “What is something you would like to see in our store?”, and you had so many answers! Check out the comments on our previous post here.

Congratulations to the randomly selected April winner of a $25 gift card:
Jan Bantam

Posted on 94 Comments

April 2024 Giveaway


This month, we want to know:

What is something you would like to see in our store?

For a chance to win a $25 gift card, follow these simple instructions


You must be registered for Kind Exclusive emails (Sign up here, or learn more)


Scroll down & Comment on this post with your answer


Reply before Wednesday, May 1, 2024


The randomly selected winner will be announced on Thursday, May 2, 2024.

Last month, we asked you “What is the first word that comes to mind when you think of spring?”, and you had so many answers! Check out the comments on our previous post here.

Congratulations to the randomly selected March winner of a $25 gift card:
Diane Roebuck

Posted on 122 Comments

March 2024 Giveaway


This month, we want to know:

What is the first word that comes to mind when you think of spring?

For a chance to win a $25 gift card, follow these simple instructions


You must be registered for Kind Exclusive emails (Sign up here, or learn more)


Scroll down & Comment on this post with your one-word answer


Reply before Wednesday, April 3, 2024


The randomly selected winner will be announced on Thursday, April 4, 2024

Last month, we asked you “What is your favourite song about love?”, and there were so many beautiful songs in the comments! Check them out here. Thank you to everyone for participating!

Congratulations to the randomly selected February winner of a $25 gift card:
Jenny MacFarlane

Posted on 110 Comments

February 2024 Giveaway


This lovely month, we want to know:

What is your favourite song about love?”

For a chance to win a $25 gift card, follow these simple instructions


You must be registered for Kind Exclusive emails (Sign up here, or learn more)


Scroll down & comment on this post with your answer


Reply before February 29th 2024


The randomly selected winner will be announced in the first week of March

Last month, we asked you “What word best represents your New Year’s resolution?”, and you had so many answers! Check out the comments on our previous post here.

Congratulations to the randomly selected January winner of a $25 gift card:
Heather Hare

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Roasted Sweet Potato & Orange Salad

Roasted Sweet
Potato & Orange

“Mostly, I’ve steered clear of items with blatantly added sugar content, which is challenging for this dessert girl!”

My “eating less sugar journey” started last year November – impeccable timing, I must say! I adopted the 80/20 approach as my guiding principle, which helped me ease into it and navigate through the Holidays. This allowed me to enjoy the delicious home baked treats that our customers brought in, for example (Yum, thank you!).
Mostly, I’ve steered clear of items with blatantly added sugar content, which is challenging for this dessert girl. Carrying this commitment into 2024 as a part of my new year’s resolution has created awareness, also when it comes to our dinner choices. Generally our meals are pretty healthy but we all thought we could do better and take it up a notch.
A few years back, I got this four season recipe book from Jeroen and found this interesting salad that we have made many times since. It has a unique blend of ingredients and we find it a treat of flavours. It includes some natural sugars which fit in my 80-20 rule.

Click below to download the Roasted Sweet Potato & Orange Salad recipe!

Posted on 160 Comments

January 2024 Giveaway


This month, we want to know:

“What word best represents your New Year’s resolution?”

For a chance to win a $25 gift card, follow these simple instructions


You must be registered for Kind Exclusive emails (Sign up here, or learn more)


Scroll down & Comment on this post with your one-word answer


Reply before January 31st, 2024.


The randomly selected winner will be announced in the first week of February

Last month, we asked you “What fond childhood memory comes to mind when you think about the Holidays?”, and you had so many answers! Check out the comments on our previous post here.

Congratulations to the FOUR randomly selected December winners of a $25 gift card:
Amy Fuerth
Betty Bond
Annette Dark
Jennifer Chalupka