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Roasted Sweet Potato & Orange Salad

Roasted Sweet
Potato & Orange

“Mostly, I’ve steered clear of items with blatantly added sugar content, which is challenging for this dessert girl!”

My “eating less sugar journey” started last year November – impeccable timing, I must say! I adopted the 80/20 approach as my guiding principle, which helped me ease into it and navigate through the Holidays. This allowed me to enjoy the delicious home baked treats that our customers brought in, for example (Yum, thank you!).
Mostly, I’ve steered clear of items with blatantly added sugar content, which is challenging for this dessert girl. Carrying this commitment into 2024 as a part of my new year’s resolution has created awareness, also when it comes to our dinner choices. Generally our meals are pretty healthy but we all thought we could do better and take it up a notch.
A few years back, I got this four season recipe book from Jeroen and found this interesting salad that we have made many times since. It has a unique blend of ingredients and we find it a treat of flavours. It includes some natural sugars which fit in my 80-20 rule.

Click below to download the Roasted Sweet Potato & Orange Salad recipe!

1 thought on “Roasted Sweet Potato & Orange Salad

  1. My Wish for You

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