Fundraiser 2023

Christmas in the Village


In support of our community

We Support Local

We are committed to giving back — Supporting us means supporting our community!

Your kindness makes a difference!

Update: “Thank you, everyone! We did it! Our fundraiser was a tremendous success! Together, we have shown the incredible power of community and what we can achieve. We have sold out all our 191 Brynxz candle holders and RAISED a whopping ⭐️⭐️$3000⭐️⭐️. This generous contribution is going straight to the volunteer-run association, benefitting the wonderful kids in our neighbourhood; Point Edward Minor Athletic Association.
Your kindness makes a difference!”

Get the Brynxz Tree Candle Holder for $15 and full proceeds go to Point Edward Minor Athletic Association* (PEMAA)

This Brynxz candle holder, with a tea light will be given in gift bag and tissue paper. Ready to gift and to continue the kindness ripple effect!
Every dollar that you spend on the cylinder tree will go towards the Point Edward Minor Athletic Association (PEMAA).

The amazing things they do:

The Point Edward Minor Athletic Association is a non-profit organization providing organized hockey and soccer programming, run entirely by volunteers. They welcome all players regardless of skill, ability and previous experience. They fundraise all year long to provide “the extras” to their participants and ensure the opportunity to participate is available to any child wishing to participate. Their goal is to be inclusive and accessible while developing sportsmanship and skill, enjoying a positive team environment.

* This Christmas in the Village fundraiser runs from November 25th to December 9th, 2023. Purchase the Brynxz candle holder + tea light + Kind gift bag for $15. CASH only. Full proceeds go to Point Edward Minor Athletic Association. As long as supplies last.